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> Zaginięcie Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370, Co się wydarzyło?

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post 3/06/2014, 19:58 Quote Post


Ciekawe, czy to prawda, czy też próba zyskania rozgłosu.
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post 11/06/2014, 6:43 Quote Post

Mustang90: Forum Pilotow w ich typowo profesjonalny i rzeczowy sposob przeanalizowalo a potem odrzucilo opowiesc pani zeglarki.
Rodziny ofiar zrobily skladke i oglosily, ze za sprawdzona/niekwestionowana informacje dot. powodu katastrofy oferuje US$ 3 mln. nagrody.
Na dzien dzisiejszy:
Zadnych nowych info. Piloci omawiaja jakies bardzo techniczne szczegoly pokladowej elektroniki sygnalizacyjnej. Nie mam pojecia o czym mowia.
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post 11/06/2014, 8:56 Quote Post

Z całym szacunkiem dla rodzin ofiar, ale te kilka milionów $ (podaje się od 3 do 5), z czego część ma pójść na prywatne śledztwo, to śmieszne pieniądze i większości zostaną wyrzucone w błoto na potwierdzenie istniejących ustaleń. Tymczasem w poszukiwania zaangażowanych jest kilka państw dysponujących miliardowymi budżetami i odpowiednio wyposażonymi służbami(jak dotąd nie słyszałem np. o prywatnym atomowym okręcie podwodnym). Obawiam się, że "zrzutka" rodzin ofiar szybko się rozejdzie, bo to zbyt łatwy kąsek dla przeróżnych naciągaczy, którzy wykorzystają desperację rodzin nieufnie podchodzących do rządowych poszukiwań.
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post 11/06/2014, 9:27 Quote Post

Całkowicie prywatnie i bez żadnej "odpowiedzialności" za przykazywane informacje:
Przypadkowo byłem osobiście świadkiem pewnych działań w USA, niewątpliwie zainicjowanych bezpośrednio przez rodziny i bliskich tych wszystkich osób zaginonych (uwaga na "oficjalną" nomenklaturę), które obecnie przeprowadzają lobbying w USA, ażeby amerykański rząd rzucił swoje zasoby logistyczno-wywiadowcze na rzecz rozwiązania tej "zagadki".
Moje serce i dusza jest oczywiście po stronie rodzin osób "zaginionych", jednakże racjonalne podejście do sprawy, nie pozwala pewnym czynnikom rządowym w USA na bardziej aktywne (czytaj: kosztowne) zaangażowanie się w sprawę.
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post 19/06/2014, 22:56 Quote Post

Australijczycy nie daja za wygrana ...
The Economic Times z 18 czerwca br.:

CANBERRA: Australia plans to resume searching for Malaysia Airlines' missing Flight 370, abandoning the area that had been the focus of the investigation and returning instead to examine the seafloor in an area of the Indian Ocean where only the surface was checked.
The search in late April and May had concentrated on an area where a ship picked up underwater acoustic pings that investigators hoped had come from the plane's black box recorders.
The decision to switch the search area came after a new analysis of the pings suggested they were not related to the plane. The ocean floor now to be examined is hundreds of miles to the southwest and is part of a broader area identified in March by the analysis of a series of electronic "handshakes" between the Boeing 777-200 and a satellite operated by the London-based company Inmarsat. The signals were picked up in the hours after the plane vanished during a flight in March from Malaysia to Beijing with 239 people aboard.
The Australians plan to return to a narrow band of that area based on refinements of the satellite data. They plan to deploy a seafloor mapping vessel and later a deep-sea submersible to do the search. "The handshakes are the most robust information we have at the moment," said Angus Houston, the retired chief of the Australian military who is overseeing the search.
Chris McLaughlin, an Inmarsat vice president in London, said Tuesday in a telephone interview that the satellite company did not fault searchers for pursuing the area near the pings, which were detected in April by an Australian search vessel. But he suggested that the company had long considered the area that will now be searched more promising.
"The Inmarsat model indicated a more southerly reach for MH370 than the earlier pickup of pings appeared to suggest," McLaughlin said. "Four other independent analyses of the data" - conducted by experts at Boeing, the French electronics group Thales and investigators in Australia and Malaysia - "have also indicated a more southerly position."
Houston said investigators had also not gleaned any useful clues from an undersea thud detected by acoustic researchers at Curtin University, near Perth, Australia, that roughly coincided with the time the plane appeared to have run out of fuel.
Australian officials said that their next priority was to map the ocean floor in the new search area so that the deep-sea submersible could be towed for long distances at a fairly brisk speed with little risk of slamming into previously undetected underwater mountains.
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau hired a private company, Fugro Survey, to conduct a three-month survey of the ocean floor along the arc of possible final locations of the plane derived from the satellite data. The bureau will also hire a commercial contractor to deploy the towed deep-sea submersible to scour the seafloor; Houston said the towing operation would not need to wait for the completion of the undersea mapping but could start this summer.
Australia has no plans for further air searches, having concluded that any debris would have sunk by now or no longer be recognizable.
The search of the ocean floor could be complicated by the possibility that the plane broke into many pieces upon hitting the water, leaving the parts scattered and harder to find.
A further worry has to do with the topography of the seafloor. When an Air France jet crashed off the coast of Brazil in 2009, it came to rest on a fairly level sandy plain at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, which allowed for the recovery of both black boxes: the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder. By contrast, sizable areas of the Indian Ocean seafloor where the plane might be located are crisscrossed with hills, ravines and silt dozens of meters deep.
One of the concerns, Australian officials said, is that the black boxes may have plunged deep into the silt. Deep-sea submersibles may not be able to penetrate thick layers of silt.
Houston expressed optimism that the plane would eventually be found. But other Australian officials voiced concern that the combination of silt, the possibility of scattered debris and the uncertainties about the final flight path might not make it feasible for years, if ever, to find the aircraft.

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post 20/06/2014, 0:06 Quote Post

Poldas, nawet nie snij o tym, ze bede to tlumaczyc.
Ci co moga to przeczytac - to przeczytaja. Wsadzilem w tym watku kilkanascie angielskich tekstow i jak do tej pory nikt nie reagowal jak niedopieszczona primadonna.
Wiec daj mi swiety spokoj, przyjmij do wiadomosci, ze tekst nie dla Ciebie i ze jak bedzie cos naprawde przelomowego, to dowiesz sie o tym z polskojezycznego zrodla.

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usunięte 231218


post 21/06/2014, 17:15 Quote Post


Poldas, spróbuj tego:
Po tym może więcej "obczaisz" wink.gif
Post #97


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post 21/06/2014, 21:53 Quote Post

Ooohżesz w mordecke;

A jo se ten tekst próbowoł z angielskiego na chiński tłumocyć, a z tego zaś na polski.
No trza se jakosik radzić.

Dziękuje Qoobeczku;
Tera mi bedzie duuuzo bystrzej sie tłumocyło.
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usunięte 231218


post 21/06/2014, 21:55 Quote Post


Dziękuje Qoobeczku; (Poldas)

Nie ma za co, polecam się na przyszłość.
Post #99


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post 15/07/2014, 10:56 Quote Post

Z forum pilotow:

The new underwater search will begin in August and cover about 23,000 square miles. It is expected to take up to a year.

Drugi etap poszukiwan zacznie sie w sierpniu br i obejmie 23 tys. mil kwadratowych.
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post 17/07/2014, 23:40 Quote Post

QUOTE(Net_Skater @ 15/07/2014, 11:56)
Z forum pilotow:

The new underwater search will begin in August and cover about 23,000 square miles. It is expected to take up to a year.

Drugi etap poszukiwan zacznie sie w sierpniu br i obejmie 23 tys. mil kwadratowych.

Ten rok można nazwać najczarniejszym w historii malezyjskiego lotnictwa cywilnego.
User is offline  PMMini ProfileEmail Poster Post #101


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post 18/07/2014, 13:36 Quote Post

Ciekawe, jaki jest rachunek prawdopodobieństwa takiego zjawiska...

Ten post był edytowany przez Morpheuss: 18/07/2014, 13:36
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post 31/07/2015, 7:23 Quote Post


Cos znaleziono. Szkic Xaviera wygląda przekonywająco...
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post 25/01/2016, 12:35 Quote Post

MH370 search team loses sonar detector mapping seabed
7 hours ago. (BBC News)
From the section Asia

Much of the search is focussed on sonar mapping of the sea floor
The Australian team looking for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has lost the sonar detector they were using for their search.
On Sunday, the deep-water detector, or towfish, "collided with a mud volcano which rises 2,200 metres from the seafloor," an official statement said.
Both the device and 4,500 metres of snapped cable are now resting on the sea floor.
The search team believe they will be able to recover both at a later date.
The Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC), overseeing the search, did not say whether the loss would delay their operation, which they have said will be completed by June.
Flight MH370 disappeared in March 2014, with 239 people on board, during a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Based on satellite communications data, the plane is thought to have crashed in the Indian Ocean, but only one piece of debris from the plane has ever been found, on the French island of Reunion.
The only confirmed debris found from the plane, washed up on the French island of Reunion.
Search ship Fugro Discovery is now returning to port in Fremantle, Australia, to have a replacement cable fitted, which it will then use with a spare towfish it has on board.
The search is focused on a 120,000-sq-km (46,330-sq-mile) area of the southern Indian ocean. The sonar detector is pulled through the water about 100 metres (330 feet) above the seabed, mapping the underwater terrain.
On Saturday, another piece of possible aircraft debris was found off the coast of southern Thailand, although experts and officials have cast doubt on the idea it might belong to MH370, as prevailing currents would be unlikely to carry debris there from the southern India Ocean.

O czym mowia ?
Sonda sonarowa, ciagnieta na poziomie + - 100 m nad dnem oceanu przez australijski statek Fugro Discovery zahaczyla o blotny "wulkan". Stracono sonde i 4.5 km kabla do holowania sondy. Fugro Discovery poplynal do Freemantle po nowy kabel, ma zapasowa sonde na pokladzie.
Dodatkowo, na poludniowym wybrzezu Thailand zostaly znalezione jakies czesci samolotu. Eksperci nie sadza, ze to cos z MH370. Nie dochadza tam prady morskie z poludnia Oceanu Indyjskiego.
Jedna (moja) obserwacja:
Sonda zahaczyla o wspomniany "wulkan", ktory zgodnie z informacja wystaje ponad 2 km z dna oceanu. To duza formacja geologiczna, powinna byc na mapach dna. A widocznie nie jest. Wyglada, ze ten akwen nie jest znany w oficjalnej kartografii (bo gwarantuje, ze wojskowa kartografia to inna sprawa. Cos co wystaje 2km w gore z dna oceanu na pewno jest znane marynarkom paru krajow).

user posted image
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post 22/07/2016, 18:45 Quote Post

Associated Press dwie godziny temu:

PUTRAJAYA, Malaysia (AP) - The more than two-year-long hunt for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 will be suspended once the current search area in the Indian Ocean has been completely scoured, the three countries conducting the operation announced Friday, possibly ending all hopes of solving aviation's greatest mystery. Some families of the lost plane's 239 passengers and crew were angry over the decision to stop what is already the most expensive search in aviation history, having cost 180 million Australian dollars ($135 million). Others continued to hold out hope. "In the absence of new evidence, Malaysia, Australia and China have collectively decided to suspend the search upon completion of the 120,000-square-kilometer (46,300-square-mile) search area," Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai said after a meeting with his Australian and Chinese counterparts.

Australia, Malazja i Chiny wspolnie zadecydowaly o zakonczeniu poszukiwan samolotu MH370 - oglosil minister transport Malazji. Byly to najdrozsze poszukiwania w historii katastrof lotniczych, kosztowaly 135 milionow US$. Decyzja zostala gniewnie przyjeta przez niektore rodziny ofiar katastrofy.

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